Simultaneous linear regression with correlated changepoint estimation
For each pixel in a spatiotemporal raster x time datacube, estimate a linear regression model with 0/1 jumps such that the jump event is correlated within neighbouring pixels.
dat = NULL,
timevar = "z",
attrvar = "values",
niter = 1000,
gamma = 0,
prior_theta = list(m = c(a = 0, b = 0, d = 0), S = diag(1e+05 * c(1, 1, 1))),
prior_sigma2 = c(shape = 2, rate = 1),
prior_k = 0.5,
verbose = FALSE,
ctrl = list(burnin = 0.5, thin_steps = 1),
keep_hist = TRUE,
cells_to_ignore = NULL,
ignore_cells_with_na = TRUE,
truncate_jump_at_mean = 0,
- x
input stars object
- dat
prepared data frame (for development, please dont use).
- niter
number of gibbs sampler interations
- prior_k
prior jump probabilities. Either a vector (will be normalised) or a single value for the probability of jump somewhere.
- keep_hist
If TRUE, keep the mcmc trajectories of all variables. If vector of cell indices, keep history for only those (to save space). Give at least 2 cell-indices or logical, otherwise unexpected behaviour. (default: FALSE).
- truncate_jump_at_mean
use a truncated normal prior for the jump? Will truncate at prior mean ad-hoc, sign says which side to keep.
- ...
We assume the datacube holds for each pixel (x-y) a series of values (`attrvar`) in time (`timevar`).
The model estimate for each series the best linear regression line such that there might be a jump of size delta after one of the time points 1...T-1. The special estimate "jump after T" means no jump is predicted.