Anisotropic pair correlation function, direction vector formulation
Estimate the anisotropic pair correlation function (2d and 3d), as defined in Stoyan 1991, f. 5.2-5.3. This one doesn't use spherical coordinates but direction vectors.
- x
pp, list with $x~coordinates $bbox~bounding box
- directions
Matrix of direction vectors
- h
widths of epanechnicov kernels, vector of two values, for ranges and angles.
- f
If h not given, use h=f/lambda^(1/dim) for range and h=f*pi
- correction
"none" or translation. Translation only for rectangle box.
- n_dir
Direction vector grid resolution (if units not given). See Details.
- r
In case directions not given, use these lengths for generated directions.
For example, in 2D the polar vector (r, theta) is now a vector (r*cos(theta), r*sin(theta)).
For 2d, we use a regular grid of n_dir steps on [0,pi], leaving out pi due to antipode-symmetry to 0. n_dir=7 is the default.
For 3d we use a triangular grid on the expanding sphere. This is generated by subdiving a regular icosahedron n_dir times. n_dir=2 is the default.