Estimate K function -type summary for second order reweighted ("inhomogeneous") pattern using a Gaussian kernel sitting in the origin of the Fry-plot.
- x
pp, list with $x~coordinates $bbox~bounding box
- u
unit vector(s) of direction, as row vectors. Default: x and y axes, viz. c(1,0) and c(0,1). This gives the major axis of the ellipsoid (direction of largest variance in the Gaussian density).
- kappa
The ratio of the secondary axis to the main axis going along 'u'.
- r
radius vector at which to evaluate. Corresponds to the radii of the 95% quantile in x-axis, before rotation in directions u.
- lambda
optional vector of intensity estimates at points
- lambda_h
if lambda missing, use this bandwidth in a kernel estimate of lambda(x)
- renormalise
See details.
- border
Use border correction? Default=1, yes. At the moment no other version available!
- ...
passed on to e.g. intensity_at_points